
Lessons learned about using GitHub Actions to build macOS apps


Hammerspoon now has per-commit development builds generated automatically by a GitHub Actions workflow.

This was a surprisingly slow and painful process to set up, so here are some things I learned along the way.

I prefer scripts to actions

There are tons of third party GitHub Actions available in their marketplace. Almost every time I use one, I come to regret it and end up switching to just running a bash script.

More useful checkouts

If you want to do anything other than interact with the current code (e.g. access tag history) you'll find it fails. Add the fetch-depth argument to actions/checkout:

  - name: Checkout foo
    uses: actions/checkout@v2

Checking out a private repo from a public one is weirdly hard

Since these development builds are signed, they need access to a signing key. GitHub has a system for sharing secrets with a repo, but it's limited to 64KB values. For anything else, you need to encrypt the secrets in a repo and set a repository secret with the passphrase.

It seemed to me like it would be a good idea to keep the encrypted secrets in a private repository that the build process would check out, so the ciphertext is never exposed to the gaze of the Internet.

Unfortuantely, GitHub's OAuth scopes only allow you to give full read/write permission to all repositories a user can access, there's no way to grant read-only access.

So, I decided it was safer to just try and be extra-careful about how I encrypt my secrets, and keep them in a public repository.

Code signing a macOS app in CI needs a custom keychain

The default login keychain requires a password to unlock, so if you put a signing certificate there, your CI builds will hang indefinitely waiting for a password to be entered into a UI dialog you can't see.

I took some ideas from the devbotsxyz action and a couple of blog posts, to come up with my own script to create a keychain, unlock it, import the signing certificate, disable the keychain's lock timeout, and allow codesigning tools to use the keychain without a password.

Xcode scrubs the inherited environment

Update: This is not actually true. When I wrote this item, I had forgotten that our build system included a Makefile and it's make not Xcode that was scrubbing the environment.

Normally, you can use environment variables like $GITHUB_ACTIONS to determine if you're running in a CI-style situation. I use this for our test framework to detect CI so certain tests can be skipped.

Unfortunately, it seems like xcodebuild scrubs the environment when running script build phases, so instead I created an empty file on disk that the build scripts could check for:

  - name: Workaround xcodebuild scrubbing environment
    run: touch ../is_github_actions

This allows us to skip things like uploading debug symbols to Sentry.

You can't upload artifacts from strange paths

The actions/upload-artifact action will refuse to upload any artifacts that have ../ or ./ in their path. I assume this is for security reasons, but that makes no sense because all you have to do is move/copy the file you want into the runner's $PWD and you can upload them:

  - name: Prepare artifacts
    run: mv ../archive/ ./
  - name: Upload artifact
    uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
      name: foo
      path: archive/foo

It's pretty easy to verify your code signature, Gatekeeper acceptance, entitlements and notarization status

For Hammerspoon these are part of a more complex release script library, but in essence these are the commands that you can use to either check return codes, or outputs, for whether your app is as signed/notarized/entitled as you expect it to be:

# Check valid code signature
if ! codesign --verify --verbose=4 "/path/to/" ; then
  echo "FAILED: Code signature check"

# Check valid code signing entity
MY_KNOWN_GOOD_ENTITY="Authority=Developer ID Application: Jonny Appleseed (ABC123ABC)"
ACTUAL_SIGNER=$(codesign --display --verbose=4 "/path/to/" 2>&1 | grep ^Authority | head -1)
if [ "${ACTUAL_SIGNER}" != "${MY_KNOWN_GOOD_ENTITY}" ]; then
  echo "FAILED: Code signing authority"

# Check Gatekeeper acceptance
if ! spctl --verbose=4 --assess --type execute "/path/to/" ; then
  echo "FAILED: Gatekeeper acceptance"

# Check Entitlements match
EXPECTED=$(cat /path/to/source/Foo.entitlements)
ACTUAL=$(codesign --display --entitlements :- "/path/to/")
if [ "${ACTUAL}" != "${EXPECTED}" ]; then
  echo "FAILED: Entitlements"

I do these even on local release builds, to ensure nothing was missed before pushing out a release, but they also make sense to do in CI.

That's it

Not a ground-shaking set of things to learn, but combined they took several hours to figure out, so maybe this post saves someone else some time.